Speed Beats Quality, Attitude Beats Performance….Selling Electronic Media

Selling Electronic Media

I’m afraid of the competition and the damage they can cause. There are too many inexperienced and ineffective salespeople out there. When a good prospect gets mistreated by a bad salesperson, the prospect is going to think negatively about future advertising. Mrs. Jones has a store called ”extra helpings”. It specializes in oversized clothing for ample bodied women. A salesperson from a classic rock station, average demo say male-18-34, convinces her to spend 300.00 for 20 :60 second ads. Result? 0 sales-0 phone calls-And the next time a legitimate opportunity is presented to Mrs. Jones, something that will help her, she passes on it. “I tried radio once she said, it didn’t work”. So along comes a television advertising hotshot. Mrs. Jones is now sold an NBA special package-10 spots-450.00

Result- 0 sales-3 phone calls-other salespeople trying to line up appointments. Mrs. Jones now says, “ I tried Radio and Tv-neither one worked. Great-send in the print boys and girls because electronic advertising isn’t going to happen for the “extra helpings” dress shop. I can’t show you everything, but I can show you enough to change your way of thinking and the way you approach electronic sales.

There is one important thought that is essential to successful sales.

Put yourself in the other person’s place.

1. They are very busy

2. They want to make money

3. They want to enjoy themselves-be entertained.

4. They are not going to trust you.

If I can meet with the owner, my chances of a sale are 75%. The most important thing you can do is meet with the owner or decision maker. Never try to make a sale over the phone. Use the phone to set up an interview. Some basics.

1. Identify yourself immediately. Hello, this is John Kruse, from verygood media-How are you today? Or, Can I come by to show you some great ideas-it’ll take 3 minutes. Don’t say-hello, how are you today? That person on the other end of the line is very busy. They play along with the gag, they can’t risk offending a potential customer, and say “fine, thanks”-who’s this? The voice says-Uh, Mr. owner, I’m with verybad media and I was wondering if maybe I could come by and spend a few hours with you…..”Sorry, pretty busy now, call back in about 3 years-click.

2. If you are successful and can arrange an appointment, bring a notebook and business cards. You are there to take notes. You don’t even know if you can be of any help.

If you believe that your station is right for everyone you talk to, you will not go far.

3. Never be negative-about anything or anybody. There is an ad campaign going on for a local business-print-bus shelters-“Don’t expect change-create it” Great, the message is “we’re not about to do anything, maybe you could help.”

Moving On

The first thing you need to know is your station’s strengths and weaknesses. Who listens-who watches-what is your demo-when are your best buys? There is no substitute for product knowlege-Do not make snap analysis statements-I went to college with someone who had the nickname-“Mr Instant Analysis”-It’s ok to think about something.

Then, pick those businesses that would benefit the most. Don’t waste time your time and the prospect’s time. Is the client mismatched?-this is a very important area-read the paper watch the tv-listen to all radio stations-Understand a client’s demo-if you don’t know, ask a competitor or like business. Undifferentiated segmentation-mass market advertising-

Then, Listen. Does the client have figures from last year. Is he up, down-who are his customers-Ego is very important-but when you visit a client remember, you know absolutely nothing about their business.

When was the last time you gave a client bonus spots without being asked? That brings us to the second important point-

Service. The prospect will be constantly asking themselves-ok-so I buy some commercials-will they run when they’re supposed to?-Will the ad be to my liking? When I take my dog for a walk, It seems as though he stops at every bush, and puts his special mark on it. Too many salespeople are like that-they make the contact and move on-once in a while they’ll get wildly lucky and make a sale -A client told me this sad tale-

A multimillion dollar corporation gave his agency 450.00 to buy a schedule on radio. The agency paid cash in advance to the station. A week after the schedule ran, the agency received a statement that did not agree with the original contract, which, by the way, was in writing from the station. It took 3 weeks of phone calls and letters to straighten out this situation. Do you think this salesperson will get repeat business? I can’t say this strongly enough-THERE IS NO

SUBSTITUTE FOR SERVICE. Friendliness, lots of phone calls, gifts, lunches, looking pretty, flirting-will not take the place of service. And in electronic media, the most important aspect of service is SPEED OF RESPONSE. How many of you have waited a day or so before returning a call? That brings us to our third point-DO IT NOW. 75% of all tasks, can be done NOW. Write your calls down-and call back immediately. Those people that blow off return calls, are saying-

1. Either I’m completely daft and have forgotten to call you back-or

2. Other things are more important to me now than calling you back.

When a client needs an ad produced-If then statements-never be negative-If you feel that a campaign won’t work, say so-but in a positive way

One of my favorite sayings is-there’s never enough time to job the properly in the first place-but always enough time to do it again. Make sure all your work is of a quality nature-even if it takes a little bit longer.

When you give added value to a client, they’ll tell other prospects-

When a business does well by a customer, only 4 people will tell their friends about how pleased they are. When a business does bad, 13 people will tell their friends-heck , if they’re angry enough, they’ll even tell strangers. So concentrate on taking care of the business you have. Remember, phone calls don’t take the place of service either. My friend in the agency has received calls at home at 6:30 am, and 11:00pm, from over zealous AE’s. And these calls were about absolutely nothing!!! Call clients often, but only when there’s a reason, and get to the point. I’m calling because…If a client wants to have a chat on the phone with you, let them call you. Don’t gossip, or chatter idly-time is important-don’t rush the client off either-

Example of poor internet newsletter.

Where is this place located?

Advocate Condell Medical Center

Spectacular Spring Screenings!

April, May, June 2010

Special Spring Screenings from Advocate Condell Medical Center

April/May/June Screening: FitQuest $120.00

Determine your current fitness level and learn how to improve your exercise training to receive better results by participating in a FitQuest. A FitQuest is completed with an exercise testing specialist and an Advocate Condell physician at the Centre Club in the Wellness Services department. A FitQuest includes:

  • Treadmill Stress Test: determines how well your heart handles stress/work. As your body works harder during the test, it requires more oxygen, so the heart must pump more blood. The test can show if the blood supply is reduced in the arteries that supply the heart. The test will also determine the kind and level of exercise that is appropriate for you. For fitness evaluation purposes only
  • Coronary Risk Profile: a blood draw that measures the fats in your blood. The measurement can indicate your risk of having a heart attack or other heart disease. The panel includes measurements of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and triglycerides.
  • Body Composition Assessment: is important for overall health and also for athletic performance. The results include lean and fat mass measurements provided in total and by site (arms, legs, trunk). This information can serve as a tool for athletes whose aim is optimal body composition for the purpose of enhanced athletic performance. This is also ideal for athletes or individuals in a weight management program who would like to gauge their progress.
  • Flexibility Assessment: determines problems concerning hamstring flexibility. Deficiencies in hamstring flexibility often result in low back pain, postural problems, gait limitations, and increased risks of muscoloskeletal injuries.

April Screening: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) $35.00

Are you having a hard time controlling your weight? Do you feel tired? Did you know that your thyroid function affects your energy level, heart rate, weight control, plus more??? The TSH blood draw can identify an overactive or underactive thyroid state.

May 2010 Screening: Women’s Health Profile $90.00

Treat yourself or a loved one to the Women’s Health Profile. What could be a better gift than health and wellness?

  • Coronary Risk Profile: a blood draw that measures the fats in your blood. The measurement can indicate your risk of having a heart attack or other heart disease. The panel includes measurements of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and triglycerides.
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH): blood test to detect problems with the thyroid gland. The TSH can identify an overactive or underactive thyroid state.
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): blood test to check kidney and liver function, as well as electrolyte, blood sugar, and blood proteins.
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC): blood test that examines different parts of the blood including white blood cells, red blood cells, hemoglobin, etc.

June 2010 Screening: Men’s Health Profile $90.00

Treat yourself or a loved one to the Men’s Health Profile. What could be a better gift than health and wellness???

  • Coronary Risk Profile: a blood draw that measures the fats in your blood. The measurement can indicate your risk of having a heart attack or other heart disease. The panel includes measurements of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and triglycerides.
  • Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA): blood test to detect problems with the prostate gland.
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): blood test to check kidney and liver function, as well as electrolyte, blood sugar, and blood proteins.

Wellness Services of Advocate Condell Medical Center will fax your spring screening results to your primary care physician, if you so desire.

Wellness Services

Advocate Condell Medical Center

Located inside Libertyville Centre Club                   Located inside Gurnee Centre Club

200 W. Golf Road                                                                 1405 Hunt Club Road

Libertyville, IL 60048                                                                 Gurnee, IL 60031

Phone: 847-990-5770                                                         Phone: 847-990-5770

Need help losing weight?

Wellness Services has the solution for you! Join the 20/20 Program and lose 20 pounds in 20 weeks! Call for more information or to have information emailed to you! 847-990-5770

Speed beats quality

Attitude beats performance

Selling Electronic Media

I’m afraid of the competition and the damage they can cause. There are too many inexperienced and ineffective salespeople out there. When a good prospect gets mistreated by a bad salesperson, the prospect is going to think negatively about future advertising. Mrs. Jones has a store called ”extra helpings”. It specializes in oversized clothing for ample bodied women. A salesperson from a classic rock station, average demo say male-18-34, convinces her to spend 300.00 for 20 :60 second ads. Result? 0 sales-0 phone calls-And the next time a legitimate opportunity is presented to Mrs. Jones, something that will help her, she passes on it. “I tried radio once she said, it didn’t work”. So along comes a television advertising hotshot. Mrs. Jones is now sold an NBA special package-10 spots-450.00

Result- 0 sales-3 phone calls-other salespeople trying to line up appointments. Mrs. Jones now says, “ I tried Radio and Tv-neither one worked. Great-send in the print boys and girls because electronic advertising isn’t going to happen for the “extra helpings” dress shop. I can’t show you everything, but I can show you enough to change your way of thinking and the way you approach electronic sales.

There is one important thought that is essential to successful sales.

Put yourself in the other person’s place.

1. They are very busy

2. They want to make money

3. They want to enjoy themselves-be entertained.

4. They are not going to trust you.

If I can meet with the owner, my chances of a sale are 75%. The most important thing you can do is meet with the owner or decision maker. Never try to make a sale over the phone. Use the phone to set up an interview. Some basics.

1. Identify yourself immediately. Hello, this is John Kruse, from verygood media-How are you today? Or, Can I come by to show you some great ideas-it’ll take 3 minutes. Don’t say-hello, how are you today? That person on the other end of the line is very busy. They play along with the gag, they can’t risk offending a potential customer, and say “fine, thanks”-who’s this? The voice says-Uh, Mr. owner, I’m with verybad media and I was wondering if maybe I could come by and spend a few hours with you…..”Sorry, pretty busy now, call back in about 3 years-click.

2. If you are successful and can arrange an appointment, bring a notebook and business cards. You are there to take notes. You don’t even know if you can be of any help.

If you believe that your station is right for everyone you talk to, you will not go far.

3. Never be negative-about anything or anybody. There is an ad campaign going on for a local business-print-bus shelters-“Don’t expect change-create it” Great, the message is “we’re not about to do anything, maybe you could help.”

Moving On

The first thing you need to know is your station’s strengths and weaknesses. Who listens-who watches-what is your demo-when are your best buys? There is no substitute for product knowlege-Do not make snap analysis statements-I went to college with someone who had the nickname-“Mr Instant Analysis”-It’s ok to think about something.

Then, pick those businesses that would benefit the most. Don’t waste time your time and the prospect’s time. Is the client mismatched?-this is a very important area-read the paper watch the tv-listen to all radio stations-Understand a client’s demo-if you don’t know, ask a competitor or like business. Undifferentiated segmentation-mass market advertising-

Then, Listen. Does the client have figures from last year. Is he up, down-who are his customers-Ego is very important-but when you visit a client remember, you know absolutely nothing about their business.

When was the last time you gave a client bonus spots without being asked? That brings us to the second important point-

Service. The prospect will be constantly asking themselves-ok-so I buy some commercials-will they run when they’re supposed to?-Will the ad be to my liking? When I take my dog for a walk, It seems as though he stops at every bush, and puts his special mark on it. Too many salespeople are like that-they make the contact and move on-once in a while they’ll get wildly lucky and make a sale -A client told me this sad tale-

A multimillion dollar corporation gave his agency 450.00 to buy a schedule on radio. The agency paid cash in advance to the station. A week after the schedule ran, the agency received a statement that did not agree with the original contract, which, by the way, was in writing from the station. It took 3 weeks of phone calls and letters to straighten out this situation. Do you think this salesperson will get repeat business? I can’t say this strongly enough-THERE IS NO

SUBSTITUTE FOR SERVICE. Friendliness, lots of phone calls, gifts, lunches, looking pretty, flirting-will not take the place of service. And in electronic media, the most important aspect of service is SPEED OF RESPONSE. How many of you have waited a day or so before returning a call? That brings us to our third point-DO IT NOW. 75% of all tasks, can be done NOW. Write your calls down-and call back immediately. Those people that blow off return calls, are saying-

1. Either I’m completely daft and have forgotten to call you back-or

2. Other things are more important to me now than calling you back.

When a client needs an ad produced-If then statements-never be negative-If you feel that a campaign won’t work, say so-but in a positive way

One of my favorite sayings is-there’s never enough time to job the properly in the first place-but always enough time to do it again. Make sure all your work is of a quality nature-even if it takes a little bit longer.

When you give added value to a client, they’ll tell other prospects-

When a business does well by a customer, only 4 people will tell their friends about how pleased they are. When a business does bad, 13 people will tell their friends-heck , if they’re angry enough, they’ll even tell strangers. So concentrate on taking care of the business you have. Remember, phone calls don’t take the place of service either. My friend in the agency has received calls at home at 6:30 am, and 11:00pm, from over zealous AE’s. And these calls were about absolutely nothing!!! Call clients often, but only when there’s a reason, and get to the point. I’m calling because…If a client wants to have a chat on the phone with you, let them call you. Don’t gossip, or chatter idly-time is important-don’t rush the client off either-

Example of poor internet newsletter.

Where is this place located?

Spectacular Spring Screenings!

April, May, June 2010

Special Spring Screenings from Advocate Condell Medical Center

April/May/June Screening: FitQuest $120.00

Determine your current fitness level and learn how to improve your exercise training to receive better results by participating in a FitQuest. A FitQuest is completed with an exercise testing specialist and an Advocate Condell physician at the Centre Club in the Wellness Services department. A FitQuest includes:

  • Treadmill Stress Test: determines how well your heart handles stress/work. As your body works harder during the test, it requires more oxygen, so the heart must pump more blood. The test can show if the blood supply is reduced in the arteries that supply the heart. The test will also determine the kind and level of exercise that is appropriate for you. For fitness evaluation purposes only
  • Coronary Risk Profile: a blood draw that measures the fats in your blood. The measurement can indicate your risk of having a heart attack or other heart disease. The panel includes measurements of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and triglycerides.
  • Body Composition Assessment: is important for overall health and also for athletic performance. The results include lean and fat mass measurements provided in total and by site (arms, legs, trunk). This information can serve as a tool for athletes whose aim is optimal body composition for the purpose of enhanced athletic performance. This is also ideal for athletes or individuals in a weight management program who would like to gauge their progress.
  • Flexibility Assessment: determines problems concerning hamstring flexibility. Deficiencies in hamstring flexibility often result in low back pain, postural problems, gait limitations, and increased risks of muscoloskeletal injuries.

April Screening: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) $35.00

Are you having a hard time controlling your weight? Do you feel tired? Did you know that your thyroid function affects your energy level, heart rate, weight control, plus more??? The TSH blood draw can identify an overactive or underactive thyroid state.

May 2010 Screening: Women’s Health Profile $90.00

Treat yourself or a loved one to the Women’s Health Profile. What could be a better gift than health and wellness?

  • Coronary Risk Profile: a blood draw that measures the fats in your blood. The measurement can indicate your risk of having a heart attack or other heart disease. The panel includes measurements of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and triglycerides.
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH): blood test to detect problems with the thyroid gland. The TSH can identify an overactive or underactive thyroid state.
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): blood test to check kidney and liver function, as well as electrolyte, blood sugar, and blood proteins.
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC): blood test that examines different parts of the blood including white blood cells, red blood cells, hemoglobin, etc.

June 2010 Screening: Men’s Health Profile $90.00

Treat yourself or a loved one to the Men’s Health Profile. What could be a better gift than health and wellness???

  • Coronary Risk Profile: a blood draw that measures the fats in your blood. The measurement can indicate your risk of having a heart attack or other heart disease. The panel includes measurements of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and triglycerides.
  • Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA): blood test to detect problems with the prostate gland.
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): blood test to check kidney and liver function, as well as electrolyte, blood sugar, and blood proteins.

Wellness Services of Advocate Condell Medical Center will fax your spring screening results to your primary care physician, if you so desire.

Wellness Services

Advocate Condell Medical Center

Located inside Libertyville Centre Club                   Located inside Gurnee Centre Club

200 W. Golf Road                                                                 1405 Hunt Club Road

Libertyville, IL 60048                                                                 Gurnee, IL 60031

Phone: 847-990-5770                                                         Phone: 847-990-5770

Need help losing weight?

Wellness Services has the solution for you! Join the 20/20 Program and lose 20 pounds in 20 weeks! Call for more information or to have information emailed to you! 847-990-5770