Web Site constructed and Hosting – 3000.00
We will create, design, build, and submit for approval the design of a website. The website creation includes up to 5 pages consisting of a home page, menu/services, about us page, contact us page including an e-mail form and google maps, and one free page designated for any use you see fit. This website creation does not include additional features such as online ordering, shopping carts, and other interactive features not defined here. Schollnick Advertising will submit for approval designs. Suggest design elements, pictures, and samples to Schollnick Advertising for the purpose of reference. Includes up to 4 designs. Includes On-call support (subject to availability) of up to 5 hours each month. Support is defined, but not limited to, content updates, e-mail registration, design changes, testing and fixing of bugs, contact information updates, and search engine optimization. One year of hosting is included with this package.
Commando Internet-SEO Services – 3000.00
Want your webpage to hit the top? Get Commando Internet SEO Services. We’ll go through all your google ranking listings and make sure your internet presence is accurate and complete. We’ll check the code of your website to make sure your site is readily readable and available to all search engines. Commando internet comes with one blog post about your business or the topic of your choice, Social media companion management, and online marketing through social forums such as Youtube, Reddit, Digg, and other entertainment websites.
Web Site Hosting and Maintenance – 1 yr – 2000.00
One year of Hosting and Support from the web gurus at Schollnick Advertising. Includes On-call support (subject to availability) of up to 5 hours each month. Support is defined, but not limited to, content updates, e-mail registration, design changes, testing and fixing of bugs, contact information updates, and search engine optimization.
Schollnick Advertising – Facebook Package – 950.00
Facebook attracts people to your business. It provides a conversational face and a community feel between you and your customers. Schollnick Advertising will set up your Facebook account with all your accurate business information and help generate likes and bring traffic to your page. This package includes one year of Facebook page administration support, on site photos to make your company come alive, we will help you run 2 Facebook promotional contests, administrator access that helps you respond to customers on a public forum, and bi-montly posts filled with interesting content to bring people back to your page.
Restrictions: Client must provide accurate information and schedule a photo shoot to begin the page. Contest prizes are provided by the Client. Some restrictions may apply. Limit 5 hours support per month. Hours may accrue up to 10 hrs per month.